#99c Historical Romance

Lucy cannot think of how to mend her broken heart after Duke Perry so cruelly manipulated her. And she cannot understand how all of society continues to fall for the farce of marriage. It is just a means to trade power and wealth, after all, isn't it? Her friends tell her to hold onto hope, her parents tell her to stop behaving so crudely, and her suitors tell her to treat them with more respect. But honestly, she does not wish to marry anymore. The more men she puts off, the better. In Baron Andrew Jones she meets another cynical heart, a man betrayed by his former fiancée, who abandoned him whilst he was traveling. Like Lucy, he believes marriage is just a way for some people to gain control over others. Most around him are disturbed by his coldness and bluntness. But in this black heart, Lucy sees a few shreds of sweetness and hope which draw her in. Between their common suffering and these moments of tenderness, Lucy finds herself slowly doing something she had sworn never to do again: falling in love. But the Baron is committed to a life free of all attachments, and Lucy is left with a terrible decision: Must she live her life as a mistress? Marry a man she does not love? Or commit herself to a life of chastity and pursue fulfillment through faith instead? Truthfully, none seem right for her. But can she win Lord Jones over before it is too late? Or is his heart